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For Granted

Jennifer Bee

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

Reflections of today's times.

How much I took for granted.

I complained about the traffic and when the line at the coffee shop took too long. I never knew what it was like to open my kitchen cupboard and not have a full shelf, or to go to the grocery store and wonder if they’ll have what my family needs. Political disagreements seemed more important than the closeness of extended family, and Sunday’s church service became one more check to mark off my to-do list.

Now, I wait.

I wait and I pray my loved ones will be safe, and that the virus will pass over my family and my friends. I wait and I pray that our food supply stays strong and that those with much give to those without. I wait and I pray that love overcomes hate and those in leadership are granted wisdom as well as restraint.

How much I took for granted, but I learned and am better for it.

My living room is teeming with life. The bedrooms, once empty, are filled because the kids have been forced to come and to stay home. Outside the birds chirp while the children next door – usually off to karate, or baseball, or dance class - toss a football in the yard. Today, laughter steals the usual silence.

Now, I am thankful for what really matters.

May you find life’s blessings today and always.

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